Basic Understanding Of Extraordinary Driver’s License

extraordinary driver’s license

There are 2 general reasons due to which people get disqualified from driving. The first reason is a large number of penalty points you get on your license. And the second reason is getting convicted for a serious driving offense. People who get disqualified from driving go for an extraordinary drivers license in Perth.

What is it?

This license also known as EDL lets a disqualified person to drive in unavoidable circumstances. This license is granted by the court and is subject to severe circumstances. Driving contrary to an EDL is a serious offense.

Will you even get it?

Certain circumstances make a person eligible or ineligible for an EDL. Before applying for it read through these points to know whether you can get one or not.

Criteria for ineligibility:

  • If you were disqualified from driving because of sky-high demerit points then you cannot apply for EDL
  • Being subjected to disqualification notice from the police.
  • Your license got suspended because of many unpaid fines.
  • If you made an application to get EDL and the court refused it within 6 months even then you can get an extraordinary driver’s license.

Criteria for eligibility:

  • The court will permit you to have an EDL if you show them that if you aren’t able to drive then you or your family member won’t get urgent medical support because of an existing disease or disability.
  • Your main source of earning will be taken away and it will put a financial burden on you or your family.
  • The extent of hardships your family will face if the court doesn’t grant it to you.
  • Safety of the public. This point has a direct link with your character. Having a good character may pave a smooth path for you.
  • The conduct you showed ever since you were disqualified.

How to apply for an EDL:

For getting this license you have to go through processes that include filling an application form and paying the fee. If you are granted an EDL after the entire struggle, then you are required to lodge the court order with the department of transport so that your license gets issued.

Conditions attached with an EDL:

As mentioned earlier your character and conduct are taken into deep consideration. Keeping that in mind the court can assert certain conditions. Common conditions include:

  • The hours and days on which you can drive
  • The purposes
  • The locations you are allowed to drive
  • The vehicles you can drive

If you breach the EDL conditions then you will be fined and your extraordinary driver’s license will be cancelled. However you should follow the rules in the first place so you may not end up in this mess. For more information please contact: